Home » Comparison steals your joy

Comparison steals your joy

by Monsurat Momoh
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“Comparison steals your joy”. I have heard this phrase numerous times. It can be said in different ways, forms, and languages but we know what it is when we hear it.

Although we have been told several times about this phrase and how well it can sadden you or stress you, how easy is it not to compare others?

It is like basic instinct. We see people who look really good and we instantly think about well they look and how we should be doing better. Well, without much consideration as to if they are actually doing good.

“Body Dey inside clothes”. That’s another phrase I have heard so many times. When asked a question about their well-being, that phrase can be used as a reply. That is, people do not wear their problems on their foreheads. Unless we are told, we would actually never know. So how good is it to compare ourselves with people?

Comparing ourselves to other people is like continuously tearing up our skin until it no longer heals. The first question we should do when we begin to feel such is “what exactly do I know about this person?”  And even if we do know about that person, do we know everything?

It is hard to not compare ourselves with others. Even when we consciously try to avoid it, subconsciously, it is there. Waiting until you realize it.

Is that not a bit negative? If we are on our paths to success and we continuously compare ourselves, would we not lose focus while others continue to succeed? If you are already a successful person, wouldn’t compare yourself to people who aren’t be considered bullying?

In a way, people think of it as “reminding themselves to stay focused” but I believe it’s a lot of negativity. Instead, find something that inspires you and draw inspiration from that. Positivity always thrives so stop with the comparison.

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