Home » Dear Women, Your Financial Stability and Freedom is VERY IMPORTANT….1

Dear Women, Your Financial Stability and Freedom is VERY IMPORTANT….1

by Omolola Ajayi

Let’s talk about something that is so important to anyone who’s going to enjoy a life of freedom and peace – finances. Women, in particular, need to know that their financial freedom and stability is key. One of the reasons for its great importance is that a financially stable and independent person has more security and liberty to make decisions that are best for her.

A lot of women are succumbing to situations they don’t like because their financial security and physical comfort are tied to them. This is not about being a gold-digger; a lot of women are truly held at ransom by lack of resources that limit their options and keep them subject to abuse. Many women are being controlled and manipulated not (only) by physical or emotional abuse, but also by financial abuse. Haven’t you heard of women who are deprived of their allowances or even things like basic feeding or shelter because their husband or in-laws or benefactor is trying to discipline them. We will talk about financial abuse some other time but today, we’ll look at why a woman must desire and pursue financial stability and ultimately financial freedom.
Please note that when we talk about freedom, it doesn’t mean being lawless or without restraint; we’re talking about being able to live a life where you can make choices that are best for you and are not being forced to do things out of coercion or fear especially things that are harmful to you. When a person has lost their will to decide, for whatever reason, they are no longer free. Let’s move back to financial freedom.

7 keys to financial freedom

Having a financial plan.

– You need a financial plan for your life; don’t just live your life at the mercy of circumstances or other people. It can be very limiting, frustrating and even dangerous. Whether you are single or married, you need actively plan how you earn income, save and acquire the resources to pursue your dreams.
You need to know what you have on ground and what your plan is for the future. As a family woman, you must be actively involved in planning the finances of your family; don’t just rely on your husband or other parties without knowing what is going on. Women can be better planners and savers when involved in managing the finances of the family – don’t be left out. Your future and that of your family can be saved or marred by your attitude to planning.

Be informed

You can’t have any real plan if you’re not informed. As a woman, single or married, take time to know your financial status or that of your family. It always helps to help you know your standing and how to prepare for the future. Don’t allow yourself to be in the dark about the family income, assets and liabilities. Know where important documents, resources and contacts are so that you can access them or give information on them when you need to. Know the state of things so that you’re not living in a bubble or a fool’s paradise.

…….To be continued

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Joy Chika October 3, 2022 - 12:23 pm

It feels good to be here

Oye October 3, 2022 - 12:41 pm

I love this piece 😍

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