Home » Gym Etiquette you shouldn’t take for Granted

Gym Etiquette you shouldn’t take for Granted

by Frederick Akinola
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Frequenting the gym is great. You’ll work out to stay fit and it can have a profound effect on your health, mood and general well-being. However, there are guidelines that you shouldn’t ignore when you visit the gym. Here are a few:

Read the Rules

When you go to the gym, look around to see if there are any rules posted on the walls. Rules are not the same everywhere you go. So do not assume that because you did some things in another gym, you can do it elsewhere. In some gyms, you’re allowed to take off your shoes, but some facilities want you to keep your shoes on at all times for legal and safety reasons.  It doesn’t matter if you agree with the house rules or not, it is important that you follow them.

Be Clean

The fact that you are going to work out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a shower before you go. Do not say after all I am going to sweat and shower again, therefore why not go without bathing? Use a clean towel. Put on clean clothes, and clean shoes.  Do not use worn-out shoes. Bear in mind that the gym is a shared space, and you could upset people with your body odour. Use deodorants and smell good, but don’t overdo it, in an enclosed space people want clean oxygen not an overdose of perfume. Part of practising proper hygiene when working out also includes showering right after the gym. Showering as quickly as you can after a workout helps prevent skin infections commonly associated with gyms like ringworm or eczema.

Do not Hog the Equipment

Everyone needs to use the gym equipment and finish their workouts on time. So, do not hog over the equipment and dominate them. In case your workout is going to take a long time and someone else is waiting for the equipment, you can always communicate with the person and use the equipment alternately. This way, neither you nor the other person will lose their time waiting for the equipment and both will be able to successfully complete the workouts in time.

Keep Weights and Equipment Back in Place

Leaving weights unattended in the gym can become an obstacle in the path of other gym members. One can even trip and fall, and this could lead to a serious injury. To avoid this, keep the weights back in their proper position. Keep the dumbbells and the kettlebells in the racks provided for them and the plates in their stand. This will make the gym safer and everyone will be able to find the equipment easily without having to look and search around the gym for the same.

Take Care of the Equipment

If everyone treats the equipment anyhow, it will quickly get bad. If you want to be able to keep coming back to the fitness centre and get the same kind of workout, it’s important to take care of the equipment that’s available. Slamming or dropping weights as you finish sets is not good practice and should be avoided so that you don’t damage or break the equipment. Any area of the equipment that touches your skin should be wiped down with a towel. Many gyms have disinfectant spray and paper towels available for this purpose. Cleanliness can also add to the longevity of equipment.

Respect Personal Space

You will definitely see a hot girl and a guy with a perfect body in the gym. Try not to flirt with others who are trying to exercise. The gym is a great place to meet new people, but it should also be a safe space to work out, not a place where people worry about being harassed.

It’s okay to introduce yourself to new members or people you keep running into or seeing at the gym. However, it’s important to only give these new friends workout advice if they ask you. Avoid telling them things like their form is wrong or they should be running faster; comments like these only make people feel judged and unwelcome. This also applies if someone gives you unsolicited advice. You can just nod politely and move on while continuing to exercise like you were before.

It’s best to keep your things close to you, instead of spreading them all over the place. This helps others know which equipment you’re using and which spaces are available for them to exercise in.  Be sure to give people plenty of space while they’re performing exercises so that you avoid disrupting their form. Also, standing in front of someone’s line of sight as they’re working out in front of a mirror is a rude gym gesture.

Bottom line is, because the gym is a shared space, be courteous to others, be respectful of the equipment, and try to keep it a pleasant space for all those that want to use it.



cc: Institute of Nutrition and Fitness Science,, Brunswick Crossing, Issaonline

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