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How To Cope With Grief.

by Frederick Akinola
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Losing a loved one comes with the sharpest pain that ever exists. The pain is physical, and piercing, in such a way that seems like a part of the bereaved is also dying. It is impossible to advise people on how to cope with grief. Everyone grieves differently. What works for one person may not work for someone else. Even so, there are some basic guidelines that have proved practical for many.

Accept Support from Family and Friends

Some experts consider this to be the most important factor in getting through grief. Yet, at times, you may want to be alone. You may even feel irritated at those who are trying to help you. This is normal. Even though you want to be left alone, do not completely push others away. After all, you may need their support in the future. Kindly let others know what you need at the moment and what you do not.

Try To Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is always important, but this is especially so for those who are grieving, as grief can bring extra fatigue. Be careful with the amount of caffeine and alcohol you consume, as both can interfere with your sleep. Grieving can cause you to experience hazy thinking as part of temporary cognitive impairment. Your mind and body are actually protecting you from experiencing too much at once, particularly when the loss of a loved one is sudden. In this state of mind, you can make snap decisions or act out in ways that are not like you. Sleep helps you restore a clear mind and act like yourself again.

Be Flexible

Recognize that everyone grieves differently. Ultimately, you will need to determine the strategy that works best for you. Many find that expressing their grief to others helps them deal with it, while others prefer not to express their grief. Experts have various opinions as to whether expressing one’s feelings is vital to success in coping with grief. If you need to confide in someone but are hesitant to do so, you might find it easier to start small by expressing some of your feelings to a close friend. Some people find that crying helps them deal with their grief, while others seem to cope even though they cry less.

Avoid  Self-destructive Habits

Some bereaved ones try to ease their emotional pain through the misuse of alcohol or drugs. Such escape is self-destructive. Any relief a person may feel is short-lived, only to be followed by major negative consequences. Try harmless ways to calm your anxieties.

Resume Your Normal Routine as Soon as Possible

As soon as possible, resume a normal routine. When you hold to a routine for sleep, work, and other activities, you will likely regain a sense of normalcy. Keeping yourself occupied with positive activities can help to mitigate painful emotions. Do not make big decisions in your period of grief. Your decisions may be emotional and you could regret them later.

Nothing will completely erase the pain you feel. However, many who have lost a loved one can attest that taking positive steps, such as those listed in this article, helped them to find comfort.

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