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How to start a podcast

An extensive guide for beginners

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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Podcasting has been around for a while, but it’s still a very new medium for many people. There are plenty of options out there to help you grow in it. If however, you want to start your own podcast with zero experience, then this guide is for you.

A podcast is a series of audio recordings that can be downloaded or streamed. Podcasts are often informal and conversational. However, they may also be in the form of interviews with experts, radio shows, or other types of programming. If you’re interested in starting a podcast, this guide will help assist you in getting started!

A few things to consider before diving into this process:
  • What do I need to know before starting?
  • How do I get started?
  • Why podcast, why now?

Podcasting is a great way to build your personal brand and business. Why? Because it’s so easy! You don’t need to be a great writer or have any technical knowledge of recording equipment. You don’t even need an expensive microphone. All you have to do is buy yourself some software, put in some time on your computer, put together a few episodes and boom—you’re ready!

Your 5-step podcast action plan
  • Pick your show’s topic, name and format. 
  • Set up a professional home base for your show (like a website). 
  • Record and edit your first episode. 
  • Choose a podcast hosting provider (we recommend Libsyn). 
  • Launch and distribute!
Step 1: Pick your show’s topic, name, and format

The first step to starting a podcast is choosing your topic. You want to pick something that you are passionate about and can talk about for at least an hour without getting bored or losing interest in the conversation.

If you’re just getting started with podcasts, then chances are good that there isn’t much out there yet on topics related to your interests. That’s why it’s important for both new podcasters and seasoned veterans alike: We need more great content!  Here’s a tip on finding topics that will resonate with audiences around the world:

Ÿ Pick something relevant: If possible try to choose something relevant and also somewhat controversial so people. This way, people will have something new from which they can learn each week! Also, those who are familiar with the topic won’t feel left out. Especially since they’ll still be able to follow the flow regardless of if they’re listening live or via streaming services.

Step 2: Set up a professional home base for your show

The second step in starting your podcast is to set up a professional home base for it. This can be done by creating an account on the free website builder WordPress. You also have to set up a domain name for your podcast. This is a must for you to do before you can upload any content. You should also make sure you have a logo, email address, and contact information. This makes it easier for people to know where to find out more about who they’re listening to and reach out for enquiries or opportunities.

Step 3: Record and edit your first episode

Recording your first episode is the most important step in creating a podcast. It will help you set up the rest of your process and make it feel more natural.

Ÿ Record in a quiet place: You want to minimize distractions so that you can focus on what’s being said, rather than the environment around you. If possible, use headphones or earbuds so your audio input can sound clearer and free of background noise.

Ÿ Use a pop filter: A pop filter is an object placed over one end of an open mic that acts as a barrier between sound waves entering and exiting through its openings. This means they don’t hit themselves. It helps reduce plosives—like “p”, “B” or “K”—which can be distracting when recording voiceover tracks for videos or podcasts!

Step 4: Choose a podcast hosting provider

Now that you’re ready to publish your podcast, it’s time to choose a hosting provider.

There are many different options out there, so it can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for or how much each option will cost. To make things easier on yourself and your wallet, here are some tips:

Ÿ Choose a hosting provider that offers a free plan (or is close enough).

Ÿ Choose one that has good reviews from other podcasters in the community (and those who aren’t).

Step 5: Launch and distribute your show

Launch: This is the most important step of all. If people can’t find your show then there’s no point in doing anything else. There are no guarantees that anyone will ever listen! So make sure that when people search for “podcast,” they come across yours by default. That means having a nice-looking website and social media presence. Also, having a good description on iTunes, making sure to include keywords like “podcast” or “radio show” in any descriptions of episodes, getting mentioned by other podcasts etc helps spread awareness.

So you’re ready to start your own podcast, and you have all the tools needed. But how do you know if it will work? The answer is that it depends on what type of podcast you want to create. There are many different types and formats available in today’s marketplace. Your show may not be the right fit for everyone, so I recommend trying out a few before making a decision about which one will work best for your needs.

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