Keys to a Happy Life

by Frederick Akinola
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Happy woman with a bouquet of flowers

Happiness is important for us to stay healthy. Being happy may help promote a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that happier people are more likely to eat healthier diets and engage in physical activity. It can reduce our susceptibility to depression and mental illness. It can help us enjoy our short stint on earth to the fullest. Here are seven suggestions for a happier life:

Be Content

Contentment is being satisfied with what you have. That means you are not anxious and desperate for more. Now, this does not mean a person should be complacent and happy to be poor. It simply means if you have your basic needs taken care of, you can be satisfied with that. People who are content are not disposed to complain or grumble, and their attitude protects them against envy. And because their desires do not exceed their means, they spare themselves needless anxiety and stress.

 Avoid Envy

Envy is defined as the painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another, accompanied by a desire to possess the same advantage. It can take over one’s life and destroy happiness. Envy can poison a person’s capacity to enjoy the good things in life. People tend to envy their equals, perhaps in age, experience, or social background. We combat envy by cultivating genuine humility and modesty, which enables us to appreciate and value the abilities and good qualities of others. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey, so it’s unfair to you to measure your progress by looking at what others have accomplished.

Cultivate Love for People

People’s feelings about their relationships have a bigger impact on their overall satisfaction with their lives than do their job, income, community, or even physical health. in order to be truly happy, humans need to give and receive love. Maximize the amount of time that you spend with people you enjoy being around. Connecting with others who radiate positivity and have similar interests will excite and energize you. Minimize the time you spend with negative people.

Build Resilience

Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Being resilient enables us to protect ourselves from getting too overwhelmed by stress, predicts well-being, and can protect us from developing mental health difficulties.  Being resilient doesn’t mean we will never feel pain, upset, hurt, sadness, fear or anger when we experience difficult times. It means in the moment or over time we can find ways to cope constructively, accept what has happened, adapt and eventually move forward.

Adopt a Healthy View of Mistakes

When people who are resilient make mistakes, they do not berate themselves with self-defeating languages, such as I’m a failure or I’m useless. You must recognize that mistakes and failures are natural occurrences. Your choice is the manner in which you respond to these events. Instead of feeling very bad about your mistakes, see them as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Do Something Meaningful Each Day

Do something you enjoy every day, even if it’s a simple act like cooking a healthy meal or listening to your favourite song. Having fun every day helps you enjoy your life more. Make a list of activities that make you feel happy. Then, schedule time every day to do something on your list.  Extend love to others. There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. When we make others happy, happiness is created within us, and this brings joy back to us.

Take Care of Yourself

Live healthily. Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid drugs and alcohol. · Practice good hygiene. Try to do something you enjoy every day. Find ways to relax. Focus on what you’re doing well by giving yourself regular compliments. Point out your best features, celebrate your talents, and recognize your accomplishments. This will help you think positively about yourself and keep you happy.

Moreover, your happiness is not dependent on other people. Instead, you should be in control of how you feel. That is why the above points are necessary. Our reaction to situations, our outlook on life, and our dependence on others can have an effect on our mood. Hence, we need to make an effort to control and react better to situations in order to stay happy.

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