Home » Negative effects of Violent Video Games

Negative effects of Violent Video Games

by Frederick Akinola
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Video games are now more readily available than ever before. You can have them on your smartphone in a matter of seconds. Some video games can be good for you. They can have positive effects and benefits when played in moderation. However, excessive exposure to violent video games can be a problem.

According to research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychologyvideo and computer-game violence may be even more dangerous than violence shown on television or in films since the player identifies with the characters carrying out the violence. Television can make us spectators of violence; computer games can make us feel like participants. Furthermore, a movie may take only a couple of hours to watch, but a child may spend up to 100 hours mastering a typical video game.

Video Game Addiction

Online games, played on the Internet with people around the globe, let each player choose to play the role of a particular character, which can advance through various challenges, making the player feel increasingly successful. The time a player spends on his character becomes an investment and gives the player a sense of reward that draws him back for more. For some, playing can seem almost addictive​—perhaps this is one reason an online game can continue for months or even years.

The brain associates the activity with dopamine if a person experiences hyperarousal while playing video games. As a result, the person develops a solid drive to seek out that same pleasure repeatedly. Dopamine is a powerful neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps sustain people’s interest and attention, so it can be hard to tear themselves away from a situation or behaviour. It’s also self-reinforcing. The more times people experience the behaviour, the more dopamine is released and the more driven they are to return to the behaviour.

Effects on Health

 A Japanese study showed that computer games stimulate only a small part of a child’s brain. According to the survey, children need more reading, writing, and arithmetic. But for their brains to develop fully, they also need the stimulation of playing outside with other children and interacting with others. In addition, many children are higher-weight people; likely contributing to the problem is a lack of exercise because of too much time spent in front of the TV or computer screen. Therefore, limiting the time spent playing such games is essential, leaving ample time for other activities that help a child develop a well-rounded personality.

Eye problems may result from staring at a screen for a long time. Surveys show that at least a quarter of all computer users experience visual problems. One reason is that the blink rate may slow down, causing dryness and irritation of the eye. Conversely, blinking clears the vision, stimulating tear production and washing out contaminants.

With their limited self-awareness, children can play computer games for hours on end, with few breaks. This may cause eyestrain and focusing problems. Experts suggest taking regular intervals of several minutes after each hour of computer use.

Many experts believe that video games can hurt mental health. This includes symptoms like:

  1. Flawed coping strategies.
  2. Poor academic performance.
  3. Low self-esteem
  4. Loneliness and tendencies to isolate
  5. Negative feelings and outlooks

These unfavourable side effects can interrupt daily life. Poorly influenced decisions and emotional states can make life more complicated. Playing video games can also be habit-forming. So, like other activities, limiting your time with video games is recommended. Additional measures may need to be taken if video games cause too many problems for one’s frame of mind.

Summary of the Risks
  1. Playing violent computer and video games may encourage aggressive behaviour.
  2. Electronic games can make you more than a spectator of violence; they are designed to make you feel like a participant.
  3. For the impressionable, games may blur the distinction between reality and fantasy.
  4. Like an addiction, game playing can lead to neglect of essential obligations and relationships.
  5. Games can consume time children should spend on other essential activities, such as studying, interacting with others, and playing creatively.
  6. Prolonged staring at the screen can cause eyestrain.
  7. Lack of exercise, a possible result of game playing, can lead to obesity.
  8. Games can rob you of money and time.

Therefore, if you love playing violent video games, you may need to reconsider the amount of time you spend on violent games. The effects on you may not be apparent now, but you could tell in the future.

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