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The effects of procrastination in our everyday life.

by Monsurat Momoh
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The effects of procrastination in our everyday life outweighs the satisfaction we gain after successfully finishing a task we have been delaying. But we fail to realize that. In fact, that is the only significance to procrastination, yet, we fail to examine or acknowledge the ever-visible effects. Without a doubt, everything, existing on this planet has its consequences. A few of them with less significant effects and the others with effects worth questioning and avoiding. .

We can already think of a few, can we not? Because we know procrastination very well but what matters to people is getting the work done. Now, that is indeed a great thing, getting the work done, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. A healthier way around managing your emotional and mental health is what we care about. So, here are a few effects procrastination may come with.

  1. Low self-esteem

This refers the confidence with which we carry ourselves thereby determining how others see us. A lot of people are mistreated because of how much importance they think they hold. In this case, not a lot. And when people can see that, it could be a problem.

Everyone cannot be nice, so, of course, you could meet people who make you question yourself. The funniest part is they won’t know how much wrong they can do. The best way to avoid this scenario is to have a high self-esteem which can only be attainable when self-love is involved. Procrastination can control the esteem we have for ourselves when you realize that there is bound to be more failure than success in delaying or ignoring your work.


  1. Interpersonal issues

Imagine a group work in a university setting has caused a drift between friends and classmates because a few of them have been unable to turn in their part of the deal. The assignment or project didn’t cause this, procrastination did. When faced with the consequences of procrastination, the indecision is shown. It is vital to keep a healthy mindset in varying circumstances so as to maintain good, healthy relationships. this can be hindered by procrastination.


  1. Decrease in positive emotions

When you realize that you have been unable to meet a goal, there is a possibility that you would become hard on yourself, thereby leading to anger, self-doubt and even depression. Decrease in positivity is surely paving way for negativity.

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1 comment

Ovuchi Ovunda October 16, 2022 - 9:31 pm

Thank you so much for this. I hope I can get better starting from now. ❤️

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