Home » Ways to avoid ‘SAPA’ as a Nigerian student

Ways to avoid ‘SAPA’ as a Nigerian student

by Emmanuel Ozoamalu
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For some of us, Sapa is a constant unwanted friend. For the rest of us, it’s a guest we just saw in our rooms with no idea where he came from. If you’re in this category, hello, you’ve met the spirit of cashlessness popularly referred to ‘as being broke.’ You’ve just started university and are going through the normal transition of moving away from home. You feel like you’re being forced to go through the motions and do nothing but study. But there is hope! If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to survive financially as a Nigerian student:

Make a Budget

One of the most important things you can do to avoid being broke is to manage your money. You need to know how much money you have, where that money comes from and where it goes. You should also keep track of your expenses so that when there’s an unexpected bill or expense, you’ll be able to pay up without going into debt. If you don’t, it’s only a matter of time before Sapa comes knocking.

To start off on the right foot: Set a budget for yourself each month based on what kind of activities/activities will bring in income for that month (e.g., tutoring), then stick with it no matter what happens throughout the semester/year until next January rolls around again so we can start fresh again with whatever amount has accrued during those months together.”

Cut back on unnecessary expenses
  • Stop buying things you don’t need.
  • Stop eating out, especially at expensive restaurants.
  • Limit your intake of alcohol and cigarettes to only one or two drinks per week (or less).
  • If you drink alcohol daily, cut it down by half or more until it is completely gone from your diet completely.
  • Avoid spending money on clothes and accessories unless they are necessary for formal occasions like matriculation or interviews that have a dress code attached to them. Otherwise, go ahead with shopping but make sure not to spend too much because everyone knows there is no free lunch here!
Look for part-time opportunities

As a student, you should be on the lookout for any opportunities that can help you make some extra money. There are many part-time jobs around campus that you can take advantage of to get your hands dirty while earning some cash.

Transportation: If it’s just not possible to walk everywhere, then consider getting a ride from someone who will give them up for your services. They might even offer transportation for no charge! This is especially useful if they live close by and won’t mind driving all the way into town (or out).

Cook over firewood instead of gas.

Cooking over firewood is a good way to save money. If you don’t have enough money for gas, then it’s better to cook over firewood than not at all. Yes, yes I know what you’re saying. I can just hear you murmuring that the Sapa has not gotten to that level. Dear reader, use firewood if you can o. Don’t say I did nothing for you.

Cooking over firewood also reduces the amount of electricity that you use in your house. You can cut down on your monthly bill by reducing the amount of electricity that goes into running appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and ovens.

In addition to the above tips;
  • You should also manage your time correctly and stay focused.
  • Have a good time management plan. This can help you prioritize what is most important in your life and make sure that the things that need attention are done first before moving on to something else.
  • Create a study routine that works best for you. It is important for students who want their education to be successful at all levels of education, including primary school up until post-graduate studies such as medical school or law school (or even university). The following are some examples of possible study routines:
    • Morning – Physical exercise (walking) followed by reading a book(s)/study guide(s). Afternoon – Group work session with classmates where they discuss issues related directly to their assigned homework assignment from previous days’ classes; then lunch break followed by individualized study session after returning home from work/school

If you can manage these things, then congratulations because you’ve sent Sapa packing. You’ve successfully reduced the rate at which you run out of money.

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1 comment

Mykel January 12, 2023 - 5:08 pm

I love this. Nice job sharing this bro 👍

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