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What To Consider Before Getting Body Piercings.

by Frederick Akinola
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Many get body piercing because they feel that it is fashionable, and in vogue. Others feel that it will enhance their appearance. For some youths, piercing also seems to serve as an expression of independence, a quest for individuality, and a way for them to say that they are not like everybody else. Here are a few things to consider before getting piercings.

Health Risks

Many medical practitioners say that some body piercings are not safe. Piercing yourself is hazardous. And going to a so-called professional piercer may have its risks. Many lack extensive training, having learned their craft from friends, magazines, or videos. As a result, they may not use sanitary techniques or even understand the risks of piercing.

Also, many piercers lack an understanding of anatomy. This is not something to overlook, since making a hole in the
wrong place can cause excessive bleeding. Hitting a nerve can cause permanent damage. Another serious risk is infection. Unsterile equipment can transmit such lethal diseases as hepatitis, AIDS, tuberculosis, and tetanus. Even when sterile techniques are used, care after the procedure is still essential. A navel piercing, for example, is subject to irritation because it is constantly rubbed by clothing. It can thus take up to nine months to heal.

Doctors say that piercing the cartilage of one’s nose or ears is more dangerous than piercing an earlobe.  If rings in very sensitive areas, such as the breast, get caught or pulled by clothing, the piercings can easily tear. Scar tissue formed in the breast of a young girl can block milk ducts, and if she does not seek treatment, she may find it difficult or impossible to nurse a baby in the future.

Other Things To Consider
It will probably be Sore for a Few days

While the instant pain from the piercing will go away quickly, you will have some mild pains, redness, and swelling for 24-48 hours after, plus for another 1-2 days afterwards, when you apply pressure to it, such as when you sleep on
your side. If the redness and swelling increase after the first couple of days, or reoccurs days after the piercing, then there may be an infection. In that case, head to your doctor.

You might get a scar

People between the ages of 10 and 20 have a higher risk for keloid scars, and lumpy and raised skin patches that are basically excess scar tissue. Additionally, anybody who has scars that have not healed well in the past should be careful with piercings. Keloid scars aren’t exactly dangerous, but you might not like the way they look, and they could be itchy.

Learn How to Care for your Piercing

You should receive cleaning instructions from the person who does the piercing. You have to follow these instructions carefully. This will keep the area from getting infected. Some specialists recommend that you continue cleaning the area a few weeks longer than the standard six weeks some places recommend. If there’s any increase in swelling, drainage, pain, or warmth, go see your doctor right away.

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